Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Shot types for the first 2 minutes of opening titles.

Starts off black screen music in the background first camera shot tracks around the table giving a close up of each face that is around the table. Then it will blank out to the producer it will the go back into the table scene with an over shoulder shot looking down onto money , poker chips, guns and drugs. Blank out the name of first main actor comes up then back to table with a panning shot to one of the gangsters ending a phone call looking angry stands up flips the table onto other thugs with a wide shot of everyone getting up and moving then blanks out to name of the movie , then comes in different music with a interview shot of all the thugs walking wit a wide shot , close up , extreme close up and a birds eye view, this goes on for about 40 seconds with the names of the other actors and producer coming up while they are walking. Then it turns into a point of view shot ofa gangster looking at a man tied to a chair in a ally way which then turns to an ants eye view of guy in chair looking at gangster and then gangster pulls out gun point of view shot looking at gun then black out with a gun shot at the same time.

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